Larry Chapp and Rodney Howsare interview Dr. Cyril O'Regan: Modernity, Hegel, Gnosticism and Marcionism

September 2, 2022
Video Interviews
Modernity, Hegel, Ressourcement Theology, Gnosticism, Apocalyptic, Intellectual Genealogies, Neo-Marcionism, and much more

This latest interview is one of the longest I have done and one of the most important I think. Cyril O'Regan is one of the most important Catholic theologians in the world today and I was thrilled to have him on my show. And thanks as well to my wonderful former colleague, Dr. Rodney Howsare, for joining in the conversation. This interview gets very technical and dense in spots, so be forewarned that it will take some time to digest all that Dr. O'Regan has to say. Linked below as well is an audio file version as many have requested.

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