Hans Broekman joins Larry Chapp to discuss immigration in the UK, religion, secularization, and evangelization

January 31, 2025
A wide ranging discussion on immigration, religion, secularization and evangelization

Hans Broekman lives in the UK and has worked in the field of education and ministry for many decades. He emailed me after my interview with Gavin Ashenden and said that he had issues with it. I asked him to come on the podcast to discuss those differences. I did so in the interests of a free and open dialogue. What follows should in no way be viewed as a strong criticism of Dr. Ashenden. I admire Gavin and consider him to be a friend. He is a man of deep intellect and faith whose views carry great weight in my book. Nevertheless, there were issues raised in my podcast with him that many folks wrote to me to take issue with. Hans Broekman offers in this interview a nice summation of those concerns.

Larry Chapp

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